Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Top Done....

Well the top is done. I am still working on my backing and putting it together. Not enough hours in the evenings after work and dinner to get much accomplished. Its the only time I take for knitting these days.

I keep opening the picture of the completed top at work, and trying to figure out how I want to quilt it. Part of me says just throw it on the LongArm and get it over with, and the other says do it on the regular machine and spend time with it, as this quilt will be all mine.  Once I can decide on what exactly its telling me quilt on it, I will figure out which machine to use.


Melissa Corry said...

I keep looking at mine to and trying to decide how to quilt it. It's always a tuff decision :) Your top looks fabulous. Can't wait to see what you decide on :)

Izzy said...

Your top looks beautiful. It's funny how most of us really want the quilting to be perfect for this top. I love mine so much, I definitely don't want to mess it up!